Sex Doll Videos

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1324 Videos
Views: 1,006
01:38 2019-1-6


1 minute 38 seconds video update / show. My 158 cm doll can easaly wear adult wigs. The wigs fit her perfect. Good tight fit. You can even pull her hair without comming off her head :-) I buy these on Aliexpress or Ebay for about € 5,00 - € 10,00 euro's. This week i was looking at all my cosplay stuff and found this Pink Cosplay Wig. It is a 3 part wig. The main "head" wig with 2 seperate Pony Tails. Last week i received a letter from Fedex, which have ship my doll. Total value on the package invoice / bill "Statistical value $ 228.00 Custom fee / tax i have to pay is € 69.39 euros. I said it before in my video's. Custom fee is about 1/3 of the total value on the invoice. If you have any qusedtions, please ask me. Greetings from Holland / The Netherlands


silicone store quality store aliexpress


TPE Sex Dolls


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