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12:00 2019-1-6


HONEYDOLL BRAND LOVE STORY HoneyDoll is an art from life than life HoneyDoll creates passionate time and passionate lovers; HoneyDoll was derived from a far-off art house, suburb Tokyo, Japan in 1902, by a sculpture designer Mr.Nobuyuki; Since multi-years widow life, Mr. Nobuyuki missed his wife Honey Aiko and started for re-model his wife’s image, this is the origin for the coming HoneyDoll today; Time comes back to Aug.27,1890 year, Mr.Nobuyuki and his wife Honey Aiko and his son OojimaKentairuo(大岛健太郎) were wandering in Tokyo and looking for design inspiration, suddenly, accident happened, a car driving in lose control toward the family; Mr. Nobuyuki and his son were pushed away by his wife Miss Honey Aiko, unfortunately, Honey Aiko passed away. Mr.Nobuyuki,in deep grief, has been thought in the coming 5 years: How to express guilty and love to his wife; Consequently, he used clay-Sculpture to re-produce Honey Aiko. And he worked and lived with his clay-scultpture Honey Aiko for a long tiime. After all, the clay-sculpture is different with real woman, which pushed him to think a better way to get life-like wife; A happened chance coming, during a designers party ,Mr.Nobuyuki happened to know the TPE material(thermoplastic elastomer); This material is almost same to real woman flesh and skin, elastic, colors option,, re-shape possibility to any image and also could be dyed and/or made-up. Naturally, Honey Aiko was re-sculptured by TPE which made Mr.Nobuyuki getting deeply indulged. Since the pursuit of details characteristics from Japanese nationality, naturally, Honey Aiko was given more details: eyes, eyebows, mouse, lips, teeth, breast, nipples, navel, labium , vaginal, anal, body hairs, toes, fingers, and so on. Mr.Nobuyuki even used the cosmetics that his wife left to make up the doll. Mr. Nobuyuki lived and worked with his wife again and even sleep together. To let people easy to recognize his wife by glimpse, Mr. Nobuyuki paid exteme attention to the persuit of every details that his wife has. Every details under the Golden Section Ratio principle to beautify it. Finally, Mr. Nobuyuki thought it was real Honey Aiko and gently took to her bosom. In the coming years all over his life, Mr. Nobuyuki and his wife Honey Aiko were in immersion deep happiness. The Honey Aiko Doll that Mr.Nobuyuki left was widely spreaded and imitated, which deeply affect one generation in Japan. In 1990 years, Mr.Nobuyuki’s son OojimaKentairuo(大岛健太郎) and the UN scultpure successors of intangible cultural heritage Mr.Laitian Liu, They feel like old friends at 1st meeting in an Sculpture academic seminar held by The Tokyo Fine Arts College in Tokyo,Japan With common sense of sculpture, they come into agreement to operate a company to produce TPE Dolls. This is HoneyDoll Company. Later they found Silicone materials to make dolls better with less sweater phenomenon of TPE oil; With the era of reform and opening up in China, in 1992 year, they introduced and expanded this technology to China and started dolls production in TPE and Silicone. This is the brand: HoneyDoll; HoneyDoll based on sex demand, creates passionate time and passionate lovers; For more info, please refer to


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